Are you a service, interaction, or experience designer who wants to impact people's behaviour?

Are you a service, interaction, or experience designer who wants to impact people's behaviour?

Are you a service, interaction, or experience designer who wants to impact people's behaviour?

This is the toolkit for you.

This is the toolkit for you.

This is the toolkit for you.


Complete the Form to Download the Toolkit

Complete the Form to Download the Toolkit

Complete the Form to Download the Toolkit

Complete the Form to Download the Toolkit

In order for design to have an impact, it often involves modifying behaviour.

Whether that's helping people to start saving money, encouraging more sustainable modes of travel, or establishing healthy eating habits,

all these actions require an element of change.

In order for design to have an impact, it often involves modifying behaviour.

Whether that's helping people to start saving money, encouraging more sustainable modes of travel, or establishing healthy eating habits,

all these actions require an element of change.

In order for design to have an impact, it often involves modifying behaviour.

Whether that's helping people to start saving money, encouraging more sustainable modes of travel, or establishing healthy eating habits,

all these actions require an element of change.


About the Designing for Behaviour Change Toolkit

This toolkit outlines Bridgeable’s approach to harnessing behavioural economics to design better products and services that nudge user behaviour. We’ll show you how to identify and utilize BE principles to understand behaviour and generate impactful solutions.

About the Designing for Behaviour Change Toolkit

This toolkit outlines Bridgeable’s approach to harnessing behavioural economics to design better products and services that nudge user behaviour. We’ll show you how to identify and utilize BE principles to understand behaviour, and generate impactful solutions.

Bridgeable's Top 5 Behavioural Economics Principles for Designers

Bridgeable's Top 5 Behavioural Economics Principles for Designers

Bridgeable's Top 5 Behavioural Economics Principles for Designers

Behavioural economics principles describe at a high level how the majority of people will behave under specific circumstances. Leveraging BE principles can help designers understand and change behaviour.

Behavioural economics principles describe at a high level how the majority of people will behave under specific circumstances. Leveraging BE principles can help designers understand and change behaviour.



The first fact, number, or figure a person hears will bias their judgments and decisions down the line.

Be deliberate about the first fact or number you put in front of users. Consider how they might use that figure to anchor subsequent decisions.


Friction Costs

Friction Costs

People can be deterred from taking action by seemingly small barriers.

Remove small barriers to direct users or help them complete a task. Conversely, add small barriers to hinder undesirable behaviour.


Default Bias

Default Bias

People pick the easiest option to avoid complex decisions. Defaults provide a cognitive shortcut and signal what people are supposed to do.

Set the default to your desired outcome to encourage higher uptake.


Social Proof

People want to be like everyone else and are heavily influenced by what they perceive everyone else is doing.

Highlight the action you’re trying to achieve by presenting it as the social norm
, and invite the user to participate as part of the majority.


Ostrich Effect

People who are worried they have fallen off the track don’t want to know how they’re doing.

Build strong guardrails to help users stay on track. Make course correction as easy as possible, knowing users may be in avoidance/ostrich mode.

Bridgeable is a strategic design firm based in Toronto, Canada. Our multi-disciplinary team of designers, strategists, and researchers use service design techniques to understand the world and create multi-faceted solutions that improve people’s lives.

T: 416.531.2665


1179 King St. West, Suite 101

Toronto, Ontario M6K 3C5

